Alexander Technique Speed Dating
You have been granted 30 seconds of undivided attention from everyone in a group of your choosing to tell them something about the Alexander Technique that will make them want to get to know it better…maybe even intimately.
The group you choose can be as big or as small as you want – the whole world, everyone in your country, everyone in your city, whatever – the choice is yours.
The group can be as general or as specific as you want – everyone, adults, children, musicians, auto mechanics – again whatever you choose.
You can use whatever medium you want – a few lines of text, a short audio message, a short video, an image (or images) – whatever you want.
You can provide factual information about the Alexander Technique.
You can provide a personal account.
You can write a poem.
You can sing or play a song.
Anything you want that will take 30 seconds, or less, for your audience to absorb.
How would you use this opportunity?
If it’s going to be something written or a visual, please feel free to post it in a comment below and if I’ll do what I can to publicize it.
If it’s a audio clip, I’ll be glad to assist you in making it a micro-podcast for the Alexander Technique Podcast.
If it’s a video which requires some production skills, describe what you have in mind and maybe we can find a way to crowdsource it.
Please pass this page on to anyone you know who might want to take part in the project. If you want to get hold of me, you can use this contact page.
If you’d like some inspiration, one of the best sources is Made to Stick:
Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by the Heath brothers.
Think Big. Think Smart. Bring it on!
Image courtesy of Danilin /